I'm honoring these women by Spring cleaning today. I've worked my butt off as a single mom and in this season of my life I'm able to stay home with my family. I love them, school them, teach them to respect others. I don't need a day off to prove my worth. This is the job I've been blessed with. Many women have to do what I do after working 8, 10, 12 hours a day. I am thankful for this opportunity, thankful God has blessed me so richly, thankful to have a husband who provides for us so that I CAN stay home. I'm blessed to be a woman, to be a mother and wife. I can appreciate what I've been given without trying to prove my worth to others.
A Mom Outnumbered
a lot of boys and a mommy trying to keep up...

Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Puppy Love
Just got finished reading the saddest dog story ever, my eyes are puffy, nose is runny. Kids are looking at me like I'm nuts. I've never realized how much my dog loves me! When we pick my husband up, I know she'll act like she hasn't seen him in a year, but that's how she feels!
I know how I feel when my husband gets home, exhausted and exhilarated at the same time - a break! Let these little ones tell you how their day was while I rest for a minute! But imagine how your kids feel. We have had one date in the past year, I was dying for it, loved every minute of it! What were they thinking while we were gone? They are adjusted enough that they didn't think we were gone forever, but I'm wondering if I took them seriously enough, did I put enough into their hugs and kisses? I know it seems insane to compare this story to children, but the repeated line kept getting to me,
"I will never leave his side."
True love. Lola got extra loving and may or may not have had some deli ham hand fed her by her sobbing mommy. Am I loving enough? Am I showing it? No, I don't need to jump around in circles when my husband comes home, but does he know that I will never leave his side? Do my kids know it? Do you know it?
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
Think about it for a minute. More than your mom loves you, more than your kids love you, even more than your dog loves you. He laid down his life for you. That means, if Jesus were to suffer and die for just one person, you, he still would have chosen to die. In spite of all your sins, your times of lack of faith, he would have died just for you.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13
"O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord." Psalm 139:1-4
What are you going to do with that today? Accept it. Live it.
"For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end." Psalm 48:14
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
A Prayer for the Lonely
Dear Lord,
Please put someone in my path today that I can be a blessing to. Whether it is online, at the grocery store, or first and foremost, my family. Spirit lead me and give me a servant's heart and help me to show God's love to everyone I come in contact with today. Be with me and fill me up, remind me that you are with me in everything I do today. Lord, I read your word that you have given us and it gives me hope that surpasses any worry I could possibly have. You have not left us alone in this world, but you guide our steps as a father teaching his child to walk. Make me a light in this broken world, to show your love to others. In the words of David, "But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone." Thank you, Lord, for another day, and may I live it to the fullest for you and only you. In Christ's name, Amen.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
For my husband...
Today marks the fourth anniversary of my mother in law's death. I was pregnant with Isaac so she never got to meet him. She didn't get to see Aidan and Gavin blossom. She didn't get to meet my sister in law's baby. I know my husband and our family has been hurting every day of these four years.
I didn't appreciate what a treasure she was, I now see how very lucky I was to have her has a mother in law. I lost my mother in 2007 so I know the thoughts my husband probably has. Regrets over things gone wrong, arguments, remembering times he hurt her feelings. I pray that he always remembers the good times, how proud she was of his accomplishments. How much she loved our children, how she accepted me into the family with open arms when she didn't have to. I always loved how she was willing so to share the holidays with my family, Christmas Eve, Easter, birthdays. She was such a proud grandma, showing off the babies when we would visit her at work! She helped us so much thru my pregnancies, it would have been so difficult without her. I used to call her when I would iron Rick's dress clothes because I hated it so much and she would laugh that she really enjoyed it. I still hate to iron, but have great memories of those talks when I do. She treasured every single person in her family, her children, grandchildren, sisters and brother, nieces and nephews, everyone! She adored her mother in law and spoke to her daily. She was very good at making sure everyone knew she loved them.
I titled this, "For my husband..." because my hope is that he doesn't just dwell on the regrets, but remembers the good times, her amazing qualities, and how much everyone loved her. I will always make sure to teach the boys about her, they pray about her every night. She will never be forgotten, and that is for my husband.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Socialite or Introvert?
As I'm putting the second load of laundry in at 9:45pm tonight, I'm imagining all the fun my husband is having on his business trip to Seattle. Looking back on my evening of putting three kids to bed, applying ointment to the dog's infected ear, paying bills, two loads of laundry, and avoiding piles of toys to trip on in the family room, I turn bitter to the dinner he's having, the jokes he's laughing at, the drinks I wish I had. At least he got out of all this crap the last few days.
But then it occurs to me.
Having stayed home for the last four years, I've become quite hermitlike. What would I say at a dinner party? Would I even figure out when I was supposed to laugh? All day today I have been devising plans on how to cancel my play date party I have scheduled next week simply because I've become so antisocial. Let's see, menu plan or fake an illness? Nothing against the mothers invited, I love them all and they have wonderful children! I have just become so accustomed to my reclusive lifestyle. After the first day of potty training three little ones today, I keep replaying in my head my explanation of training pants.
"When you have to go peepee, you have to take off your big boy pants and go on the potty. Do you have to go peepee?"
No, I will take my shorts, flip flops, and whatever you call this ponytail/bun and sit on my cushioned dining room chair while I write to my "peeps" as you entertain vice presidents and HR directors.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
All That I Do
"I do not need to strive to have the perfect family. I just need to strive to glorify God in all that I do and encourage my children to do the same. God's grace takes our failures, forgives us, teaches us, and uses them for His purpose and glory."
I just finished lunch and so far my day has consisted of temper tantrums, too many cookies and way too much Facebook! Do I glorify God in all that I do? My chore list is long and patience is thin. This gloomy weather is only making our attitudes poorer. I need to clean the kitchen before I get dinner in the slow cooker, pick up every single toy we own before I can vacuum and wash the floors, and I'm two days behind on my Bible study. I woke in a good mood this morning, with a good outlook for my day, but the meltdowns and couch cushions on the floor have worn me down. I've been avoiding all that I need to do (busy reading blogs) and as I was reading, my conscience whispered to me, "is this what you call glorifying God?"
No. No it's not.
It is pushing up my shirtsleeves and doing dishes, making nutritious meals for my family, spending time with them and making them happy. Tackling my to do list and do this without grumbling. You glorify the Lord in all the big things, and all the small. Praising God through the storms, happy or sad. It is doing your very best in everything you do. Sometimes you pass, sometimes you fail, but ultimately, it is what is in your heart that glorifies God!
How will you glorify the Lord today?
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Consider the Angels
I don't think of angels very much. I know that people do, it's just a subject that has never peaked my curiosity. Today, in my devotions, I read the story of Elisha's servant in 2 Kings 6:8-23. The king of Aram sent his army to capture Elisha because he helped Israel avoid Aram's army. When Elisha's servant awoke in the morning and saw Aram's army surrounding the city, Elisha prayed for God to open up the servant's eyes to see God's army of angels protecting them.
"And Elisha prayed, 'O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.' Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."
Have you ever considered, as you leave your house for the day, that God has an army of angels surrounding you on your journey? How does your view of God change knowing he has an army protecting you?
Dear Lord, thank you for your protection as I sleep, as I wake. Watch over my family as they start their days and keep them safe always. Your love is amazing, thank you for showing me this verse and giving me the realization of all that you do for me without me even being aware! In Jesus name, Amen.
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