So after much complaining from my other half about how lacking my blog is, here I am. Mind you, this comes from someone who has no blog of his own, who has been offered guest spots on MY blog to write HIS views on our family, but nooooo, so here I am.
Aidan is making so many awesome improvements lately, he is really showing that he is understanding the things we are saying to him, using some sign language and even using the words he knows in context (more, Daddy, Mom). Here he is with my straw-cup, so proud of himself that he's able to get slurps of water, before completely refusing to use anything other than his "baba".
Gavin is his same, silly self. While he is leading the way in development, he has quite the case of middle-child syndrome! He is pretty much always happy, just like his brothers, loves to make you smile, loves to be held and cuddled! He is catching on to some signs, as well! Here he is in the swing set, totally loving it!
And then there's Isaac! There is no doubt he will forever be the baby, especially being so dinky! He just popped his two front bottom teeth, is loving baby food, and take a peek, he feels like such a big boy sitting up now!
He truly enjoys watching his brothers playing, I know he will have a ball with them soon!
Rick recently got promoted to Lead Automation Test Engineer, he couldn't be happier! He has worked really hard, and I'm so glad he has a job he truly enjoys. He has been with the company since the day before Aidan was born (and it was totally awkward calling and asking for time off because our baby was 6 weeks early but they were totally supportive, especially hearing that we got married from my hospital bed before he was born). It has been a really positive experience for him, starting as a consultant and working his way up. I'm so proud of him!
Rick and I have finally decided that it's time to change our diets and get healthy. We started 7 weeks ago, I'm down 15lbs and he is down 31lbs. It has been awesome having someone to commiserate with, share our triumphs and our frustrations. I love having someone who totally understands my plight and will cheer me on! I honestly don't think I would have come this far without him by my side, but it has been so exciting checking the scale each day and marking our progress together (I know you're not supposed to check every day but, control-freaks?)
What have I been up to? It feels so strange writing about me. I've been working my businesses, working with Aidan's therapists and trying to enjoy the babies as much as possible. I have been working really hard on my chores (ok, sometimes I work semi-hard) but I'm improving. For those of you who know me, you will never believe it, but I've been cooking! I'm actually enjoying it, having dinner ready for Rick when he gets home, having something healthy for the babies to eat besides canned vegetables, I've even been experimenting with spices and seasonings. I think I've been enjoying it because I don't cook the same things as Rick so I don't feel like I have to compare. His food is scrumptious and fattening and mine is tasty and healthy. I went to an estate sale today and actually bought cook books. Ok, so that is not unlike me, but I actually opened them and looked for recipes this time! I'm trying my hand at gardening, as well. I have daffodils, pansies, tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions and potatoes. I really wasn't anticipating being in so much pain after getting the beds ready!
What have you been up to?
Nicole takes very good care of our family. she is the Heroin! She is why I get up every morning to support this family! SHe takes care of our house, our children, or lives! I love her with all of my heart! AND I could not do this without her!