

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What I Would Tell My 17 Year Old Self

Dear 17 year old Nicole,

Don't be in such a hurry to figure everything out, and don't try to figure things out on your own.    God has a plan for your life, and if you keep trying to solve every problem yourself you will end up making a mess.  You will have five beautiful, wonderful boys, and if you keep worrying about the future you will miss out on so much with them.  Treasure the time that you have with them, because it goes by too fast.  Enjoy their laughter, wipe their tears, and realize what a blessing each one is.  Don't worry about being alone in your life, don't accept the first man who comes along, it may take awhile but you will find the love of your life, who will cherish you and protect you.  Learn how to truly love and respect your mother, because she won't be around for long.  Make sure she knows she is loved.  Learn all you can at work, but never make it your life.  You will use the skills you learn, but your time is too important to let work dictate your life.  Treasure the friendships you have, share yourself with them, and don't take anyone for granted.  Most importantly, if you don't treat yourself with respect, no one else will either.    

If you were to write yourself a letter as if you go back in the past to when you were 17 what would you say to yourself about what your future holds?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who Are You?

Do you ever feel embarrassed?  Not of your faith, but what people with think if YOU speak out?  Envisioning people saying, "Who are you to preach on anything?"  You are too young, or too old, too experienced, not experienced enough.  

It's difficult just to write this post, these words are echoing in my head.  

Even Moses felt this way,
"But Moses said to God, 'Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?'" - Exodus 3:11

This is what Paul said:
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.  The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." - Galatians 2:20
 What does this mean exactly?  Christ lives in us!  He speaks through us, he gives us the ideas, he gives us the words to say.  While you may be wondering who could possibly be taking you seriously, he is preparing the hearts of others.  You may never know who your words have reached, but we should speak boldly about the things that God has shared with you.  If you feel God laying something on your heart, remember who you are, you are a child of God!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Little Things

Have you ever had one of those moments when you see something your little one does that just melts your heart?  Something that totally makes them unique?  

I have one of those rare moments when my one year old is the only one awake with me and I just get to sit and watch him eat.  He is dining on peas and carrots, and the first thing he does is pick all the carrots out and eat them first.  It got me thinking about the other boys, what is their "thing"?  

My two year old, Gavin, has to be in charge of throwing everything in the garbage, to the point of asking for snacks to throw in the "zappo".  Aidan is the slowest eater, just like his mommy!  My 15 year old loooves finally being taller than Mom, and has to measure up every time I see him.  My 17 year old just has to have me listen to his new favorite song when we get in the car.  

My husband?  It's a wink.  He doesn't do it often, just out of the blue, he'll say something sweet with a gorgeous smile that makes his eyes light up and nonchalantly gives me a wink.  He still makes my heart flutter!

These are the kinds of things to keep in my journal, because you always think you will remember these things but as the kids grow older, their personalities change, their idiosyncrasies change and get lost.  What are some of the "things" your loved ones have?  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Get Your Exercise On!

I have always been anti-exercise.  Yes, I know our bodies need it, I've just NEVER been in shape.  I was the wallflower in gym class hoping to not have to participate.  Even with our weight loss journey we started in March with Plexus, we changed our diets completely to healthy, homemade foods, but it didn't include exercise.  

We're getting older now, we have aches and pains, we have to watch our blood pressure and cholesterol.  We have our children's futures to think about.  In addition to that, we don't want the babies to prefer sitting around watching TV or playing video games all day, but they will need an example.  

I've come up with a 23-Day Jumping Jack Challenge.  If you have small children, you understand how hard it is to take time away from them, or even have the space to exercise!  I've tried other challenges but working out in another room always ends up with them getting into trouble.  My plan is to do each set twice a day, in the kitchen, where I can still see the babies.  

While some of you may exercise religiously, I know there are plenty who are like me, and just don't make it a priority.  Join our Facebook group, Fight the Tummy, to start the challenge and support each other!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

On Our Walk

"'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always to the end of the age.'"  -Matthew 28:18-20
Are we doing our part in the Great Commission?  I know I am not.  It's more than sharing inspirational pictures or scripture on Facebook, it's about how you live your life.  What specific talents has God given you to help you live out the Great Commission?  This subject is hard for me to write about because I know, in my thirty-seven years, I have not been actively trying to spread the gospel.  I've ignored those moments He gives you, those perfect opportunities that act as a stepping stone to share your faith.  You know the ones, when an acquaintance gets a little more personal and shares trouble they are having.  Do you tell them how God has gotten you through the hard times?  Do they know by your lifestyle that you answer to a higher calling?

I have had the Titus 2 woman on my mind a lot lately.
"The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God not be blasphemed."  -Titus 2:3-5
I have had faith in Jesus Christ my whole life, have I reached a point in my life yet that I can be a model to younger Christian women?   We know in our hearts how to live our lives in a way that pleases God, but do we listen?  Yet God gives us chance after chance, day after day to start fresh!
"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is they faithfulness."  -Lamentations 3:22-23
We can start right now, invite God on our walk today!

Friday, September 6, 2013

It's the little things

Today we are finishing up our second week of homeschooling for preschool. We've tried a lot of new things, created some cute crafts and learned new songs. One thing I've learned in these two weeks is that homeschooling two toddlers who are developmentally delayed is hard.  They don't know what to make of the songs unless there are motions to them, and they can't sit for an entire story.  And finger-painting?  None of us realized how icky it would be to get our hands full of paint.  

Did I mention that Isaac pulls himself up by my ponytail when I'm sitting on the floor?

Our schedule is Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, to fit in with their therapy schedules.  The first week was particularly challenging.  Although I'm using a curriculum, I still need to add fun/educational activities that they can understand, and I didn't want to use their every-day toys.  I was so wiped out and feeling un-creative that we didn't start our second week until Wednesday.  I'm finding it better to do different activities throughout the day according to their moods, so we're not dancing when they feel like resting or listening to a story when they need to move.  They still didn't pay attention to the stories this week, and still walked away in the middle of an activity at times, but you know what?  They learned to say, "read" and sit next to each other on the floor, "color" and run to their high chairs.  I've had to roll it up (patty cake) about a thousand times, but they love it!  Gavin walks up to me signing, "book" to sing "The B-I-B-L-E" all on his own.  They aren't singing and dancing, but they enjoy when I help them do the motions!  

I've subscribed to quite a few homeschooling blogs, which have been very uplifting the past few days.  Today I received my copy of "Daily Focus" by Janet Tatman, a homeschool mom's devotional, and it is awesome, I had a hard time not reading the entire next week!  I will end with today's prayer, which helped me tremendously!
"Lord, forgive my attitude and help me refocus on the call You gave to homeschool.  Teach me again that Your will and Your way is better than any life I can conceive.  I love You and thank You for my family.  In Jesus' name, Amen."

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

21-Day No-Complaint Challenge

I've been reading, "What's It Like to be Married to Me?" by Linda Dillow, and I have to say, it is really eye-opening!  She has so much insight and helpful advice to change your attitude about your husband and truly concentrate on changing yourself rather than focusing on what is wrong with your him.  I don't think I've ever had so many notes and challenges in any book I've read!

So what is the 21-Day No-Complaint Challenge?  You wear a bracelet, any bracelet, and switch it to the other hand whenever you complain.  Do you think you can live twenty-one days without griping, complaining, murmuring or nagging?  The average person takes 4-8 months to string together twenty-one straight days of no complaining!  

What does this mean for your marriage?  Nagging and complaining show that you do not accept your husband the way he is.  This sends a message to your husband:  "I don't like who you are."  

Maybe you gripe in response to his complaints against you.  Maybe he has legitimate faults that he doesn't recognize without you pointing them out.  Is that how God intended your relationship to be?  Are your criticisms helping to shape his character in a helpful way?  Linda says to give your gripes to God.  In Psalms 142:1-2, David goes right to God and shares his heart.
"I cry out loudly to God, loudly I plead with God for mercy.  I spill out all my complaints before Him, and spell out my troubles in detail."
God listens, he wants to hear what is troubling your heart.  The answers may not be easy, your husband maybe strong-willed and stubborn, but you need to change your attitude to that of gratitude, even on the sore-subjects.   You need to change yourself.

Want to join in the 21-Day No-Complaint Challenge?  I dare you to change your heart!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Do you ask?

I have really been enjoying my quiet time with God each morning.  Sometimes it is rushed when I can hear the babies playing in their cribs, but I get to read my devotionals and pray, confident that God knows what is on my mind.  

I don't know about you, but I have a hard time asking God for the desires of my heart, it makes me feel selfish.  Do I want my husband to get a raise?  Do I want to be successful with Plexus?  Yes.  But those are my wants.  Of course I am tempted to make deal with God, "Hey, I promise to raise my donation into the pot if we can make more money," but is that why I want us to be successful?  Partially.  That new purse would make a nice anniversary present.  More than that, cleaning up our credit and starting our savings is high priority.  So is it ok to ask then?

The Bible says yes.

God knows the desires of my heart, whether I ask Him for them or not!  Is it right to have these desires and not bother asking God?  He knows what you want, what you need, why aren't we sharing our feelings with Him?  We share these things with our husbands or girlfriends, how much more intimate is our relationship with God?  By sharing these things with God, my eyes have been opened as to how important our financial responsibility is.  

What are the desires of your heart that you need to share with God?

Friday, August 9, 2013

Keeping It Alive

My husband works on a computer all day (and let's face it, so do I).  Often times I see posts on Facebook that are inspirational, scripture-based, "I love you" pictures, "You're the best daddy" type things.  I like to share these with my husband but I don't want to flood his wall, or sometimes they are too personal.  We have a secret Facebook group just for the two of us to post only inspiring messages, photos or prayers for each other.  We will both share throughout the day and it gives us more to talk about at dinnertime without having to try to remember all the posts we've seen on our walls.  It may sound silly, but this has greatly helped our marriage!  Not only does it let each of us know that the other is thinking about us, but it is a great fight-stopper.  Nothing is more humbling than being in the middle of an argument and one of us will post a reminder of what is important.

Keeping things spicy is important, but it is also important to let each other know how much we mean to each other.  How do you let your significant other know you are thinking of them?  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Listening to God

We have so many changes that could possibly be happening for our family, we have been praying day and night!  The one thing that I have been wondering is, how do you know if you are following God's will?  I struggle with this a lot.  Do you just lay it in God's hands and say, "if it's meant to be, it will happen", or do you work for it?  Surely God would still want us to work towards our goals.  In Genesis 29, Jacob worked worked for seven years to earn Rachel's hand.  But how do you know if you are just hoping it will happen so you do everything possible to make it work?  Is all this confusion a lack of faith on my part?  What I do know, is this change would require a greater responsibility on our part.  The patience God is requiring of us is most likely to consider what other changes that we would need to make to our lives, we would need to better ourselves, rely on God, and grow in faith.  What I also learned, is that it is ok to say, "Lord, I want this.  Show us what we need to do to make this happen, if it is your will.  But if it is not your will, spare me of the disappointment."  So we're praying.  We are trusting.  We are ready to accept God's will, even if it doesn't align with what we want.  

What decisions do you need to give to God today?  

Friday, August 2, 2013


I've been working on a new blossom.  I can feel that I'm blooming, although I will admit that I've been slacking this week.  I do need to clean the crock pot from the weekend, its been sitting since Sunday with the cover on it, but after falling down the stairs on Monday morning cleaning has been pushed to the side.  I've been working since I was 14 years old, I worked when Gary and Benny were little (a lot!), and the past three years have been my first experience as a stay at home mom.  I haven't always enjoyed it, I've never been very domesticated, so the cooking and cleaning was a lot to take in.  It seemed like, with each new baby, it got a little easier, if that makes sense.  At first I wouldn't cook anything that didn't come out of a box, and even that didn't turn out very good all the time.  I'm happy to say that I am now cooking from scratch almost every night, except for the occassional pizza here or there, or Rick cooking on the weekends.  I've actually been enjoying cleaning with homemade, natural cleaners, knowing how much safer it is for my family.  Am I bragging?  Absolutely not!  I know that I spend too much time on Facebook and too little time concentrating on my chores.  There are so many changes coming in our family and I'm ready!  We will start homeschooling Aidan and Gavin for preschool in a few weeks, and I've even chosen an infant curriculum to work with Isaac.  God has been calling us to make changes, concentrate on the most important things, getting involved in church, working with the babies, taking care of the house.  Every day is a chance to improve, a set of new challenges to accept, and having young children you get to experience the rewards daily.  Yesterday I decided to work on "please" and "thank you" with the babies, and Gavin surprised me by signing "thank you" all on his own, I didn't even know that he knew the sign for it!  Hopefully our next challenge of using the new potty will be as rewarding!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for the changes God is making into our lives.  He has been calling us to Him for quite some time but we just hadn't been ready to listen, until now.  He is so faithful and gracious, being so patient with us when we push Him to the side.  Raising babies brings daily struggles, but I am starting to see that there are daily rewards, as well.  While we worry about their development, they are making progress, and even if they only use a handful of words, that is a handful of words they weren't using a short time ago.  Aidan sits on my lap and decides he wants tons of kisses.  How I've waited for those!  Even if they make each other cry, only Mommy can bring them comfort.  How blessed am I!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Turn Negatives into Positives

I'm generally a positive-outlook kind of person.  With three babies under three years old, it gets a bit difficult sometimes.  Usually Rick and I get up at 7, I make his lunch, his coffee and get his Plexus ready for him while he gets ready.  This helps him a great deal and shows him that I care about how he starts his day.  The babies usually get up at 8 so I have an hour to wake up and unwind.  Today we woke up late, Rick had missed his train and had 15 minutes before the next one, the babies were all up and crying to get out of their cribs.  Everyone is a bit whiny this morning, can't get their breakfasts fast enough, their babas, stealing toys, wanting "up".  But they look to me to make their day better.  They may have to take turns sitting in Mommy's lap, but a cuddle and a kiss makes everything better.  In the midst of this, Gavin said, "num, num, nummy" for the first time when he got his breakfast.  Aidan grabbed Gavin's hand and brought him to the rug to play for the first time.  Gavin did push him to the ground, but then he grabbed Aidan's hand and walked him around the room.  In the midst of baby chaos are these small moments of joy.  I may have three empty baby books, but I have a calendar full of scribbles of these moments, so someday, when I have an empty nest and I'm feeling down, I can look thru this calendar and remember this time.  What every day negatives can you see your joy peeking thru?

Friday, July 26, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

It's coming around that time to think of school again.  We will be starting our homeschooling this year with pre-school for Aidan and Gavin.  Both are developmentally delayed to about 18 months, so it will be challenging.  Aidan is aging out of the Early Intervention program when he turns three in September, Gavin will continue with Developmental and Speech therapies.  Because of their birthdays, they will be in the same grade, even though they are 10 months apart.

We have decided on the ABC Jesus Loves Me curriculum.  The entire curriculum is listed online for free, but I think it will be easier to have the guide and workbooks rather than print all of the worksheets.  These are available on their site for $30.  The curriculum is actually broken down into weekly lesson plans, listing all of the materials, books, music and nursery rhymes that you will need.  There is a book of the week listed, even linked to Amazon, where you can buy most of them for $4 including shipping.  I'm really excited about this program, I have a hard time being creative with the younger ones.  Homeschooling Gary for high school was much easier for me to come up with lesson plans on my own.

We don't really have many plans for the rest of the summer, just to enjoy the yard, the park and grilling while we can.  How are you getting ready for school?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Getting on the spectrum

I don't know what prompted me to start researching Autism yesterday, but I know it has been in the back of our minds for almost two years.  With as much as you hear about it on Facebook, I was really surprised at the lack of information that is really out there, almost as if it is a mystery.  Aidan is such a happy boy, and I guess that isn't what comes to mind when you think about Autism, at least, not to my mind.  Part of me feels that I should just be grateful for the advances he's made, and that it would be insulting to other parents if I say that it's not enough.  I am grateful, he went from not even sitting up by himself or speaking at 20 months to now running and kicking, saying and signing a handful of words at 34 months.  I love him, and I would love him the same if this handful of words were all he ever knew, but I need to think about his future.  We will be homeschooling, but what if he is still eligible for services thru the school district?  What if he's not able to potty train?  What if he never gives up his bottle?  How do I handle his meltdowns?  His occupational therapist believes that he wouldn't have been able to make the advancements that he has if he were autistic, but I read that the earlier a child receives intervention the better off they are.  Could we have just started at a crucial point in his development?  His developmental therapist said she has wondered about certain characteristics and has even tested him in certain things on her own, and admitted as a mother she would get him checked.  We meet with his speech therapist tomorrow, she is young and the least experienced, but by far the closest to him and has made the most advancements with him.  While I have been doing research (not on WebMD!), I am not sure how far to pursue this.  In a lot of experiences I've read about, parents had a hard time getting a diagnosis for their child.  If I am persistent and demand a diagnosis, what damage am I doing?  Could it be just a developmental delay?  How will I know this if I don't accept that as an answer?  Do I wait months or years like the therapists recommended, or follow the online advice that the earlier the intervention the better?  And if I wait, could it get worse?  Could he regress when therapy ends on his third birthday?  Just about the only thing I do know is that we're not giving up. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Isaac turns one!

It's hard to say how I'm feeling with my last baby turning one.  Yes, yes, I know I said that the last three babies were going to be the last, that's besides the point.  This one is the last one!  He was the last one to wear the official "coming home" outfit, the last one to outgrow the bassinet, the last one to get his first tooth.  This will be the last first-birthday-party (maybe that is not so bad).  It just brings me to the rest of the "firsts" that I will someday cherish, the first slobbery kiss, first steps, first word.  He is such a happy baby!  Rick and I were just talking about how he looks into your eyes like he is trying to read your mind, I've never seen that before.  And I do have to say, he just adores his mommy, and who could get tired of that?!  They are all special in their own ways, but something about knowing this is the last, it makes you enjoy the smiles more, rocking him to sleep, holding him on your hip.  One thing Benny used to do as a baby was watch his big brother with amazement, like he couldn't wait to see what he does next, and now Isaac does that with his big brothers!  I can't wait to see what God has in store for these boys!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy birthday to my Honey!

Just want to wish a happy birthday to a great daddy, wonderful husband, and my best friend!  Today is his first day back at work after our staycation, so glad he is working from home today so that we could spend more time together, I love you!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Time for an Update!

So after much complaining from my other half about how lacking my blog is, here I am.  Mind you, this comes from someone who has no blog of his own, who has been offered guest spots on MY blog to write HIS views on our family, but nooooo, so here I am.

Aidan is making so many awesome improvements lately, he is really showing that he is understanding the things we are saying to him, using some sign language and even using the words he knows in context (more, Daddy, Mom).  Here he is with my straw-cup, so proud of himself that he's able to get slurps of water, before completely refusing to use anything other than his "baba".

Gavin is his same, silly self.  While he is leading the way in development, he has quite the case of middle-child syndrome!  He is pretty much always happy, just like his brothers, loves to make you smile, loves to be held and cuddled!  He is catching on to some signs, as well!  Here he is in the swing set, totally loving it!

And then there's Isaac!  There is no doubt he will forever be the baby, especially being so dinky!  He just popped his two front bottom teeth, is loving baby food, and take a peek, he feels like such a big boy sitting up now!

He truly enjoys watching his brothers playing, I know he will have a ball with them soon!

Rick recently got promoted to Lead Automation Test Engineer, he couldn't be happier!  He has worked really hard, and I'm so glad he has a job he truly enjoys.  He has been with the company since the day before Aidan was born (and it was totally awkward calling and asking for time off because our baby was 6 weeks early but they were totally supportive, especially hearing that we got married from my hospital bed before he was born).  It has been a really positive experience for him, starting as a consultant and working his way up.  I'm so proud of him!  

Rick and I have finally decided that it's time to change our diets and get healthy.  We started 7 weeks ago, I'm down 15lbs and he is down 31lbs.  It has been awesome having someone to commiserate with, share our triumphs and our frustrations.  I love having someone who totally understands my plight and will cheer me on!  I honestly don't think I would have come this far without him by my side, but it has been so exciting checking the scale each day and marking our progress together (I know you're not supposed to check every day but, control-freaks?)  

What have I been up to?  It feels so strange writing about me.  I've been working my businesses, working with Aidan's therapists and trying to enjoy the babies as much as possible.  I have been working really hard on my chores (ok, sometimes I work semi-hard) but I'm improving.  For those of you who know me, you will never believe it, but I've been cooking!  I'm actually enjoying it, having dinner ready for Rick when he gets home, having something healthy for the babies to eat besides canned vegetables, I've even been experimenting with spices and seasonings.  I think I've been enjoying it because I don't cook the same things as Rick so I don't feel like I have to compare.  His food is scrumptious and fattening and mine is tasty and healthy.  I went to an estate sale today and actually bought cook books.  Ok, so that is not unlike me, but I actually opened them and looked for recipes this time!  I'm trying my hand at gardening, as well.  I have daffodils, pansies, tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions and potatoes.  I really wasn't anticipating being in so much pain after getting the beds ready!

What have you been up to?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Just Want to Pee Alone Giveaway!

Funny Postpartum Lady is doing a giveaway for the book here, and  I WANT IT!!

Read the Amazon reviews here, it sounds hilarious!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Grandma

There is an angel in heaven named Grandma.
Even though we cannot see you,
We know you are there.
You watch us grow and flourish,
Silently cheering us on.
You hold our hands when we are sad,
And kiss us gently goodnight.
We hear your laughter
Though we have tears,
That contagious sound,
And know you are near.
Good night Grandma,
Hold us tight.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Helping Others

Pink Zebra by Luminessence is sponsoring a fundraiser for Team Amber.  Amber has been diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme Stage Four Brain Cancer. Diagnosed Novmber 2, 2011. Amber is only 17 years old.  Glioblastoma Multiforme is an aggressive tumor in the brain that infiltrates surrounding brain tissue and is the most malignant of brain tumors. Glioblastoma generally has a very poor prognosis, with the average patient surviving just one year after diagnosis.  

I have met Amber and her family and they are truly, a wonderful, fighting family!  Amber and her sister are being raised by a single mother, who had to leave her job to take care of Amber.  I cannot fathom the worries that Amber's mother must experience on a daily basis.  This is just a small token that we can give them, and encourage this family to keep fighting!  Please take a look at the event on Facebook and buy if you can, or to make a monetary donation, visit Team Amber on Facebook.  You can shop Pink Zebra here and enter "Team Amber" as hostess.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Mom Outnumbered's Got Sprinkles Giveaway

It's giveaway time!  I am giving away an awesome gift pack sponsored by WildFlower Designs with Nicole and Luminessence!  A WildFlower Designs Tote Bag in Ella Gray, a 3.75 oz jar of Pink Zebra Sprinkles of winner's choice, and a Fleur de Lys Ivory Simmer Pot to one lucky winner!
Don't forget to invite your friends!
Giveaway is open to US Residents only and ends on 2/28/13 at 12:00am CST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Valentine

Today is the official day of love, so it is only fitting that I post about my Valentine.  

Hubby loves and supports me, even when I don't deserve it.  He may tease me about my not-so-edible cooking, but he knows that becoming a SAHM is a big adjustment for me and gives me slack on those "I really hate doing this" tasks.  I love his "Let's do this" quality, even though I might fight it tooth and nail when it comes to projects around the house!  

Rick is the very best daddy I could have asked for, making sure to take time with each of them, recognizing their individuality, even as babies.  All three light up when their Daddy walks through the door and welcome their hugs and kisses, feeling how much Daddy missed them after a day away at work.  

Rick invests in our relationship, taking time to listen, even when I'm not talking out loud.  He is always willing to spend time with me, even if it means sitting on the front room floor for a date-night picnic in our dress clothes.  

We've had our ups and downs but we are each other's best friend, with just enough in common to offset our differences.  We try not to let our stubbornness get in the way, end our arguments with a kiss.  He provides for us, probably cooks and cleans too much for having a wife who stays home all day.  How can I complain, he doesn't watch sports, loves sitting by the fire on a summer night, and he adores me, faults and all.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Family Pets

In 2011, at Mother's Day, I decided I wanted a dog.  I didn't just want a dog, I had to have one.  That day.  We visited shelter after shelter, looking for the perfect dog.  Aidan was still in his carrier so he was our test subject.  The older dogs didn't seem to appreciate having a baby in their territory so that wouldn't work. A few puppies tried to eat Aidan's hand, one puppy promptly crouched to pee when he entered the "play" area, that wouldn't work either.  

We were running out of shelters to visit, but I just hadn't found "the one".  We decided to go to the one pet store that I knew sold puppies, only about 20 miles away, just to look.  Yes, I know that pet stores use puppy mills, when I have a thought in my head I am not the most level-headed person by any means.  We arrived at the pet store where they had a room full of caged beauties.  I walked around the room about three times, just not falling in love, when I spied two puppies in a row in the very back, not even a for sale sign on their cage.  That's when I saw her.

The picture doesn't do her justice, with her reddish tint and golden eyes.  Bringing her to the "play area", she was spunky, friendly, and the first dog that didn't either pee or grab Aidan's fingers, she just licked his cheek and looked at him intently.  She was the one!  We were told she was a two month old pure American Pit Bull, but we opted out the paperwork for an extra $100 (yes, pet stores do that, yeesh).  We did find out that she was at least six months and a mix, who wouldn't get too much bigger, but we didn't care.  She belonged with us!

Now she is a young lady, my only female companion in this house of testosterone.  We've had bumps, like her diet of Mr. Potato Head parts, but seeing her playing with the babies, tag, fetch and ball, is priceless!  She has become the protector, now that our older dog is gone, and I swear, she thinks the babies are her brothers!

What pets belong in your family?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Boredom in the life of a Mom

I really was quite desperate before I told the hubby I was bored.  No one is on Facebook.  Already sat on the floor and played with the babies, already picked up the toys in the family room.  The piles of junk on the desk just stare at me, begging for attention.  So starts my list of possibilities.

  • Vacuum the front room
  • Put Christmas stuff away
  • Put laundry away
  • Write a blog post
Not that any of those crossed off items are done, those are possibilities of things I don't want to do.  So here I am.  Is it possible for a mommy of 3 babies to get bored?  Apparently so.  Shopping would be wonderful, even online shopping!  

36-bottle Deluxe Style Wine Rack

Some chocolate from Velata
(incidentally, I'm having an online party on Facebook)

Small Micro-Cooker from Pampered Chef

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
(oooooh, yeah)

Instead, I'm doing this: