

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


This blog post is meant to be a public apology to my husband for my lack of time management lately!  I was getting such an awesome system down with my family planning binder, and I'm finding myself leaving a chore off here and there every day, not able to hold a conversation without checking facebook, not able to keep a coherent thought.  I have had so many ideas and projects going in my business ventures and blog posts that everything else has fallen to the wayside.  My main priority is my home!  I just need a little leeway on the start up, and the blog reading I have done is a good thing - it is helping me organize and come up with ideas for simplifying (I just need to practice them!)  If only everyone else's hours could be the same as mine I wouldn't be so tied up all day and night :)

I would like to give a shout out on a blog I found, her latest post was so inspiring and just what I needed in my life right now!  Please visit Ramona Dishes, which ranges in topic from recipes to crafts to topics on life.  I was so excited to be able to subscribe by email that I put a "subscribe" button on my own blog! 

I will end my post with a plug:

Shop Celebrated Creations today!  Free enrollment until 10/31/12, no fees, no kit to purchase, join my team today!

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